Dog-Friendly Activities in Gayle, UK

There’s 1 dog-friendly activity within 20 miles of Gayle. Use the links below to get an overview of each one, see pictures, print directions, and even read reviews from other dog owners. Coming from out of town? Get a discounted rate on pet friendly hotels in Gayle.

Pet Friendly The Settle - Carlisle Railway
The Settle - Carlisle Railway The Settle - Carlisle Railway is a pet-friendly train through the Yorkshire Dales and Cumbrian Fells in the north of England. It's part of the UK rail network, so prices remain affordable for dogs and their owners. There are lots of lovely little stops along the way, which includes the highest train station in the whole country. There are an average of eight trains a day between Settle and Carlisle, starting at 6:21am and ending at 7:52pm. Pets ride for free and human tickets start at £10. Pets ride for free and human tickets start at £10. See Details
Gayle, UK